FIIs & Ações

by Rogério Paladino



The APP offers a list of assets (F.I.I.s and Shares - spot market) so that you can follow quotations at the previous close, historical dividend and amortization payments, relevant facts and daily monitoring of your portfolio.There is the possibility to "favoritize" an asset, that is, it will go to a separate tab where you can inform its movements (purchase and sale of shares) and the APP will calculate its average price and other information automatically. Another utility is the monthly calculation of dividend and amortization payments - for the time being only for F.I.I.s-, so you can see how much you will receive in the month per asset and also the total of all your assets!All data are from CVM and B3 and are updated frequently.I developed this APP to facilitate my control and thinking about offline use, therefore, after updating the information, you will be able to browse without needing the internet. Im sharing it here in the store and I hope for positive, negative feedbacks or suggestions.